Campaign Events Highlights
I was honored that my very first campaign event was hosted by Vivian Weng, Kai Guo, Monica Zhang, Jason Wang, Andy Doohan, and Qilin and Andrew Heaton, with special guest Kansas State Representative Rui Xu. Kai Guo shared in hisĀ introductions that “My wife, Viv, and I were happy to host Julie’s first fundraising event. Ever since we’ve known Julie and her husband Steve, she has been engaged in serving our community. From volunteering for her daughters’ school district, serving on the Blue Valley Educational Foundation Board, to leading United Community Services of Johnson County, Julie has demonstrated a deep commitment to all our residents. She believes all voices are important in our county.”

Rep. Rui Xu, Julie and hosts of Julie’s first fundraising event
Reaching voters takes resources. Click Here to sign up and host an event for Julie: https://julieforjoco.com/volunteer/

Community Is A Verb!
Connecting with the community about mental health and teen suicide, increasing kindness, building resiliency, and addressing substance use – these are just some of the ways I’ve spent my time the last few months so I can better represent your and resident priorities.

Julie and Tim DeWeese

Julie, Chair Mike Kelly, and Rep. Mari-Lynn Poskin

Ready To Serve On Day 1
Serving a county of more than 620,000 residents means understanding and staying on top of issues that impact residents. The past few months I have attended:
- Wastewater 101
- State of the County
- Commissioner Retreat for the 2025 Budget
- Joint meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board and County Commissioners
- Johnson County Planning Commission
- East Zoning Board Meeting
- Overland Park City Council Meeting to approve Framework OP Comprehensive Plan
Do you want to be a part of positive change? You can donate HERE.
If you would like to send a contribution via check, please make it payable to:
Julie for Johnson County, P.O. Box 23358, Overland Park, KS 66283